Ultimate Guide to Drain Cleaning in Tyler, Texas

Tips and Tools for Maintaining Healthy Drains In Texas (Ultimate Guide)

Drains are a system of pipes and fittings designed to remove sewage and other liquid waste from homes and buildings. Drains are an essential part of any plumbing system and play a crucial role in maintaining the health and safety of a building's occupants.

Drains are usually connected to various fixtures such as sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs and washing machines. When these devices are in use, sewage and other liquid wastes are flushed out of the device through the drain pipes and into the main sewer. From there, the wastewater is transported to a sewage treatment plant for treatment and disposal.

Drains can become clogged with debris such as hair, grease, and food debris. In this case, the sewage cannot flow freely through the pipes, resulting in slow drains or stagnant water. Regular drain cleaning can help prevent clogs and keep the plumbing system running smoothly.

Why Should it be Cleaned ?

Drains must be cleaned regularly to prevent clogging and to maintain the health and safety of a building's occupants.

Here are some reasons why drains need cleaning:

  1. Prevents Clogs: Over time, debris such as hair, food particles, and grease can build up in drains and cause clogs. Regular drain cleaning can help prevent these clogs in the first place.
  2. Reduces Bad Odors: Clogged drains can lead to bad smells that can spread throughout the home. Regular drain cleaning can help reduce these odors by eliminating the source of the clog.
  3. Maintains the Plumbing System: Regular drain cleaning can help keep the plumbing system healthy by removing buildup and preventing pipe damage.
  4. Saves Money: Regular drain cleaning can help avoid costly repairs by catching problems early and preventing major clogs or pipe damage.
  5. Improves Water Flow: Clogs can impede water flow in drains, resulting in slow drains or stagnant water. Regular drain cleaning can help improve water flow and prevent standing water build-up.
  6. PREVENTS HEALTH HAZARDS: Clogged drains can harbor bacteria and other pathogens that can pose a health risk to you and your family. Regular drain cleaning can help prevent these health risks by removing the source of the clog.

How often should you Clean Drains ?

How often you need to clean your drains depends on several factors, such as the age of your plumbing system, the number of occupants in your home, and the type of drains you have. As a general rule, it is recommended that you clean your drains every 1-2 years for preventative maintenance.

However, if you notice sluggish drains, foul odors, or gurgling noises coming out of your drains, it might be time to clean them sooner. Also, if you have an older plumbing system or live in a hard water area, you may need to clean your drains more frequently.

Regular drain maintenance can help prevent clogs and keep your plumbing system running smoothly. Some tips for keeping drains clean include avoiding pouring grease or oil down the drain, using drain strainers to catch hair and other debris, and avoiding throwing non-biodegradable items down the drain.

If you are unsure of how often you should clean your drains, it is recommended that you consult a licensed plumber who can assess your specific situation and provide recommendations for maintaining clean and healthy drains.

Why Drain Cleaning is Important ?

Unlocking is important for several reasons:

  1. Prevents Clogs: Over time, debris such as hair, food particles, and grease can build up in drains and cause clogs. Regular drain cleaning can help prevent these clogs in the first place.
  2. Reduces Bad Odors: Clogged drains can lead to bad smells that can spread throughout the home. Regular drain cleaning can help reduce these odors by eliminating the source of the clog.
  3. Maintains the Plumbing System: Regular drain cleaning can help keep the plumbing system healthy by removing buildup and preventing pipe damage.
  4. Saves Money: Regular drain cleaning can help avoid costly repairs by catching problems early and preventing major clogs or pipe damage.
  5. Improves Water Flow: Clogs can impede water flow in drains, resulting in slow drains or stagnant water. Regular drain cleaning can help improve water flow and prevent standing water build-up.
  6. PREVENTS HEALTH HAZARDS: Clogged drains can harbor bacteria and other pathogens that can pose a health risk to you and your family. Regular drain cleaning can help prevent these health risks by removing the source of the clog.

In summary, regular drain cleaning is important to prevent clogs, reduce odors, maintain plumbing, save money, improve water flow, and prevent health hazards.

Drain Cleaning Costs

The cost of drain cleaning can vary depending on several factors such as the location of the clog, the severity of the clog and the type of drain cleaning service required. Here are some estimates of drain cleaning costs:

  • Plungers: Plungers can be purchased at most hardware stores for just a few dollars.
  • Drainage Snake or Auger: Manual drainage snakes or augers can cost anywhere from $10 to $50, while motorized drainage snakes can cost several hundred dollars. Some hardware stores may offer drain snake rental options.
  • Waterjet: Waterjet services can cost anywhere from $250 to $500 depending on the location of the clog and the size of the piping system.
  • Chemical drain cleaner: Chemical drain cleaners can be purchased for as little as $5 to $10, while professional drain cleaners can range from $50 to $100.
  • Professional Plumber: The cost of a professional plumber to clean a drain can range from $100 to $500, depending on the severity of the clog and the location of the plumbing system.

It is important to note that prices may vary by region and specific service provider. In addition, it is important to choose a reputable contractor to ensure the job is done correctly and to avoid damage to the plumbing system.

Some Drain Cleaning Ideas

Here are some drain cleaning ideas:

  • Use a Plunger: A plunger is a simple and effective tool that can be used to unclog sinks, toilets and showers.
  • Try a drain snake or auger: A drain snake or auger can be used to clear clogs that are too stubborn for a plunger. These tools can break through and remove clogs caused by hair, grease, and other debris.
  • Use a water jet: A water jet is a powerful tool that uses high-pressure water to unclog drains. This tool is best used by professional plumbers.
  • Use a chemical opener: Chemical openers can be effective at clearing clogs and clogs, but they should be used with caution as they contain harsh chemicals.
  • Try a Homemade Drain Cleaner: You can make a homemade drain cleaner using ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. These natural cleansers can be effective in removing mild clogs and preventing future ones.
  • Use a drain strainer: Use a drain strainer to prevent hair, food particles, and other debris from going down the drain in the first place. This can prevent blockages from forming.
  • Schedule regular drain maintenance: Regular drain maintenance can help prevent clogs from forming in the first place. This may include flushing the drains with hot water, using a natural drain cleaner, and having a professional plumber inspect the plumbing system.

Drain Cleaning Tools and Their Usage

  • Plunger: A plunger is a simple but effective tool for unclogging a drain. It works by creating suction and pressure to release the blockage. Place the plunger over the drain and make vigorous swipes up and down several times to create suction and push the clog through.
  • Drain Snake: A drain snake is a long, flexible wire with a spiral tip that can be inserted down a drain to break up and clear clogs. Insert the tip of the drain snake into the drain and twist the handle to rotate the snake and clear the blockage. Shoot the snake to remove the blockage.
  • Drain Auger: A drain auger is similar to a drain snake, but has a motorized auger that rotates the wire, making it easier to clear stubborn clogs. Insert the auger into the drain and use the auger to twist the wire and unclog the blockage. Pull the auger to unclog it.
  • Hydro Jet: A hydro jet uses high-pressure water to clear clogged drains. It is a powerful tool that is widely used by professional plumbers. Insert the Hydrojet into the drain and turn on the water to clear the clog.
  • Chemical plunger: Chemical plunger contains powerful chemicals that can unclog drains. However, they can also damage pipes and should be used with caution. Pour the chemical opener down the drain and wait for it to clear the clog. Flush the drain with water after use.


A plunger is a simple and commonly used tool for unclogging drains. It consists of a rubber cup attached to a stick. Pistons work by creating suction and pressure to unclog the drain.

To use a plunger, first make sure there is enough water in the sink or tub to cover the rubber cup. Then place the plunger over the drain and press down firmly to create a seal. Forcefully push and pull the plunger up and down several times to create suction and pressure. After several dives, remove the plunger to see if the water is flowing properly. Repeat the process until the drain is clear.

It's important to note that plungers work best for shallow clogs, such as those caused by hair or soap scum. They may not be effective for more stubborn clogs or those caused by objects stuck in the drain. In these cases, a different type of drain cleaning tool may be required.

Drain Snake

A drain snake, also known as a pipe snake or drain auger, is a long, flexible wire with a spiral tip that can be used to break up and unclog drains. It's a tool commonly used by plumbers and homeowners.

To use a drain snake, first insert the tip of the snake into the drain. Twist the handle on the other end of the snake to spin the thread and release the blockage. If you meet resistance, twist the handle in the opposite direction to pull back the wire and clear any debris that may have caught on the tip. Once you've cleared the clog, pull the snake out of the drain to dislodge the debris.

It's important to note that drain snakes come in a variety of sizes and lengths, so choose the right one for your drain. Also, be careful not to push the snake too far down the drain as this could damage the pipes. If you are uncomfortable with a drain snake, or if the clog is particularly stubborn, your best bet is to see a local plumber.

Drain Auger

A drain auger, also known as a plumbing auger, is a tool that resembles a drain snake. It consists of a long flexible cable with a spiral tip that can be used to break up and unclog drains.

Unlike a manual drain snake, a drain auger has a motorized auger that rotates the cable, making it easier to clear stubborn clogs. To use a drain auger, insert the end of the cord into the drain and turn on the auger to rotate the cord and unclog the clog. If you meet resistance, turn off the auger and reverse the direction of the cord to clear any debris that may have become tangled on the tip. Once you've cleared the clog, turn off the auger and unplug the cord from the drain to clear the debris.

It's important to note that drain plugs come in a variety of sizes and lengths, so choose the right one for your drain. Also, be careful not to push the auger too far down the drain as this could damage the pipes. If you are uncomfortable with an auger drain or the clog is particularly stubborn, your best bet is to contact a professional plumber.

Hydro Jet

A hydrojet is a powerful tool used to clean drains by using high-pressure water to remove clogs. It's a popular tool used by professional plumbers to unclog stubborn drain clogs.

To use a water jet, first insert the water jet nozzle into the drain. Turn on the water to create high-pressure water jets that clear the clog. The hydraulic jet can generate up to 4,000 psi of pressure that can easily break through stubborn clogs of grease, hair, soap and other debris. Move the nozzle back and forth to ensure all areas of the drain are thoroughly cleaned. Once the clog is cleared, turn off the water and remove the stream of water from the drain.

It is important to note that water jets are powerful tools and should be used with caution. Improper use of a water jet can damage pipes or cause injury, so it's best to hire a professional plumber to use this tool. Additionally, hydrojets are not recommended for use in older plumbing systems or for weak or damaged pipes.

Chemical Drain Cleaner

A chemical drain cleaner is a solution that is poured down a drain to dissolve and remove clogs. They are available at most hardware and hardware stores and can be used by homeowners to clean drains.

To use a chemical drain cleaner, first remove standing water from the drain. Then pour the recommended amount of cleaner down the drain and let it sit for the recommended amount of time, typically 15 to 30 minutes. The solution will dissolve the clog and allow it to be washed away with water. After the recommended time has passed, flush the drain with warm water to remove any remaining residue.

It's important to note that chemical drain cleaners can be harmful if used incorrectly. They contain harsh chemicals that can irritate skin and eyes, so it's important to wear gloves and eye protection when using them. Also, chemical drain cleaners can damage older or weaker pipes, so they should be used with caution. If the clog is particularly stubborn o