Often taken for granted, storm drain play a critical role in keeping our neighborhoods safe and clean during heavy rains or storms. Their proper maintenance is crucial to ensure a safer and cleaner environment for everyone. We'll explain the importance of cleaning storm sewers and the positive impact it has on our neighborhood.

Understanding Storm Drain

Before we delve into the importance of cleaning storm drains, let us first understand its importance. Storm sewers are an integral part of our urban infrastructure and are designed to prevent flooding during heavy rains or storms. These drains collect rainwater and direct it away from streets, parking lots and buildings. This prevents water from accumulating, which could lead to property damage or dangerous road conditions.

Preventing Flooding and Property Damage from Storm Drain

One of the most important benefits of regular storm sewer cleaning is protection against flooding. As dirt and sediment builds up in drains over time, it obstructs the flow of rainwater, which can lead to overflow during heavy rains. This flooding can result in severe property damage, flooded basements, and damaged roads, as well as placing an unnecessary financial burden on residents and businesses.

Preserving Water Quality

Storm sewers play a critical role in maintaining water quality in our communities. When stormwater flows through unclean pipes, it carries pollutants such as oil, grease, trash and chemicals from streets and parking lots into nearby rivers, lakes and oceans. This contamination poses a serious threat to aquatic life and has a negative impact on our environment. Cleaning storm drains regularly removes these pollutants, preventing damage to our waterways and local ecosystems.

Reducing Public Health Hazards

Clogged storm drains can lead to puddles of standing water and provide an ideal breeding ground for disease-carrying mosquitoes and other pests. Stagnant water can also lead to foul odors and unsightly conditions that affect the health and well-being of the population. By keeping storm drains clean and free of debris, we can reduce these hazards and ensure a healthier community for all residents.

Enhancing Road Safety

Clogged storm drains can lead to dangerous road conditions during storms. Water accumulation on roads can cause hydroplaning, reduced visibility and slippery surfaces, increasing the risk of accidents. Regular cleaning of storm drains ensures that water is efficiently removed from roads, minimizing the risk of accidents and increasing road safety.

Contributing to Sustainable Practices

Keeping storm drains clean isn't just about solving immediate problems. It is also an integral part of sustainable urban development. By effectively managing stormwater runoff, we can conserve water, reduce the need for costly flood control infrastructure, and improve our communities' resilience to climate change.


Storm drains are important for preventing flooding and protecting our environment. They collect rainwater and runoff from streets, roofs, and other surfaces and direct it away from our homes and businesses. If storm drains are not regularly cleaned, they can become clogged with leaves, debris, and trash. This can lead to flooding, water pollution, and damage to infrastructure.

Here are some of the benefits of cleaning storm drains:

  • Prevents flooding: Clogged storm drains can cause flooding during heavy rains. Floodwaters can damage property, infrastructure, and crops. They can also spread disease and contaminate drinking water supplies.
  • Protects the environment: Storm drains collect runoff from streets and other surfaces. This runoff can contain pollutants such as oil, grease, and chemicals. If storm drains are not cleaned regularly, these pollutants can enter our waterways and harm aquatic life.
  • Improves water quality: Storm drains can also help to improve water quality by filtering out pollutants from runoff. When storm drains are clean, they can more effectively filter out pollutants and protect our water resources.
  • Reduces erosion: When storm drains are clogged, water can pool on the surface and cause erosion. Erosion can damage roads, sidewalks, and other infrastructure. It can also wash away soil and nutrients, which can harm plants and trees.
  • Extends the life of storm drains: Storm drains are expensive to build and maintain. By regularly cleaning storm drains, we can extend their lifespan and save money in the long run.

How often should storm drains be cleaned?

The frequency of storm drain cleaning depends on a number of factors, including the amount of traffic in the area, the type of debris that is present, and the climate. In general, storm drains should be cleaned at least once a year and more often in areas with heavy traffic or a lot of debris.

Who is responsible for cleaning storm drains?

The responsibility for cleaning storm drains varies from place to place. In some areas, the government is responsible for cleaning storm drains. In other areas, property owners are responsible for cleaning storm drains on their property.

What can I do to help keep storm drains clean?

There are a number of things that you can do to help keep storm drains clean, including:

  • Pick up trash and debris: If you see trash or debris in a storm drain, pick it up and dispose of it properly.
  • Sweep your driveway and sidewalks: Sweeping your driveway and sidewalks regularly can help to prevent leaves, dirt, and other debris from entering storm drains.
  • Plant trees and shrubs: Trees and shrubs can help to filter out pollutants from runoff and prevent them from entering storm drains.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals: Avoid using harsh chemicals on your lawn and driveway. These chemicals can wash into storm drains and pollute our waterways.
  • Report clogged storm drains: If you see a clogged storm drain, report it to the appropriate authorities.

Contact Bannister Plumbing & Air for Storm Drain Cleaning

Stormwater drains help prevent flooding, maintain water quality, promote public health, improve traffic safety and contribute to sustainability all compelling reasons why we must prioritize regular maintenance of rainwater drainages.

So the next time you see a storm drain, remember the critical role it plays in keeping our neighborhoods safe and clean. If you are having trouble cleaning a storm drain, contact Bannister Plumbing & Air today!